Rohan Online dragon knight quest guide

well for starter you need to reach level 50 first. after reaching the requirement for class up go back to the town of dekan race Rev'deca there you'll find NPC named Surbhar.

1. talk to Surbhar. He'll ask you to seek out another NPC, Talia.

2. Talia's location is at the Downstream of Shamar River bindstone.

3. She'll ask you to find the Statue of a Wailing Dragon, which is located at the entrance of the Black Dragon Sanctuary at geizan map.

4. After this, you need to speak with an NPC named Guliermo, located at the Dragon Eyes bindstone at Via marea.

5.Go back to Rev'Deca town where surbhar is. report to him and he'll ask you to deliver "the Remnants to the Altar of the Late King",Which is located at Ferdinant's Mausoleum where just outside of the town. then head back to Surbhar.

6. After this, you'll need to speak with Camila, an NPC located at the Caronia's Tomb bindstone. you can find the caronia's tomb in the Varvylon map.

note: I give you a tip here cause I died at the middle of a pathway. warp to gathering Hall and buy 1 warp stone of limestone foothill. and warp yourself there. :)

7. Camila will give yea a quest where you need to get 3 items, "one after the other".


This is the hardest part of the quest so craft Pluion set and level decrease them if you're under 61. Don't forget to save your bindstone here cause you might die inside the caronia's tomb. super rare drops so don't expect to drop easily. dont worry if you have no friend to help you. doing it solo is posible with good Armors. don't skip finish red blade first then black last is silver.

Sealed Red Blade - Dropped by Fire Drakes

Sealed Black Blade - Dropped by Black Drakes

Sealed Silver Blade - Dropped by Glacial Drakes

8. Upon reporting back to Surbhar, he will tell you to speak with Bahadur, who is located in the palace of Rev`deca.

9. Kill the boss, Adharmha.

move to east bahran island save or bind location at arctic sea just incase you die. and locate the boss in the forest of Enlightenment at F4

10. Report back to Bahadur and he will tell you to see Surbhar again.

11. Congratulation! You are now a Dragon Knight.

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